English blogs
Prioritizing: Making Choices with Eisenhower
Do you ever feel like your day is filled with tasks that all seem equally important? From emails to phone calls, everything demands your attention, while that one major task keeps getting pushed aside. The Eisenhower model helps you clearly distinguish what truly deserves priority, what can wait, and what might not need to be…
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Time tracking: what gets measured gets managed
Time tracking is a work habit that helps you gain better insight into where your time goes: it increases the predictability of your productivity. Additionally, in some professions, it’s a necessity, as you work on a “billable hours” basis, and the administration needs to know how much time the client should be charged for. Time…
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Coasting towards the traffic light: finishing your day differently
Coasting towards the traffic light is an excellent work habit. By this, I mean that it’s smart to use the last part of your workday (and workweek!) to reflect on the day and week: What is still pending? What loose ends do you see? What’s relevant for the next day and needs immediate attention? This…
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How do you combine vacation with email?
The meaning of ‘vacation’ is very personal: where some like to raft down a high mountain, others seek peace and quiet, or just a holiday destination with children’s entertainment. So it is with the combination of work and vacation- because whether you are an employee or an independent professional, you will have to make choices…
Working smarter in a shared inbox
There are plenty of mailboxes managed by multiple people. These do not have to be just secretariats; even at a housing association, an IT department or customer service, people work together on messages that arrive at one central address. Together with my Management Support colleague Roel Peeters, I wrote an article for Management Support Magazine…
Getting rid of the mess on your to do-list
One of the basic principles of working smarter is: get everything out of your head. The purpose of your brain is to think, not to store stuff to remember. But when you’ve cleared your mind and have a long action list… What do you do then? Prevent your action list from becoming a mess. Bring…